Campus Life

Pie in the Face

Professors at Dalton State are willing to do whatever they need to help their students succeed... even if that means taking a pie to the face. 

Beta Chi Nu, the biology honor society, hosted its annual fundraiser recently where students could buy a vote for their favorite professor. And what else would the winner receive but a pie to the face? The event is traditionally held on "Pi Day," March 14, which when abbreviated is the first three digits of pi, 3.14. Because Pi Day fell on spring break this year the fundraiser was pushed back. 

The desire to pie each other in the face is obviously strong between these three beloved biology professors, Elizabeth Lucht, Dr. David DesRochers, and Dr. Kim Hays. 

Their strategy was to form a "pie-angle" for simultaneous pie-ing. 

The fun didn't stop with professors. Officers of Beta Chi Nu, Annalia Ramos, Lupe Lopez, and Jonathan Leberman, got a piece of the action this year, as well. 

posted 03/30/2017 in Uncategorized



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